Blood pressure
Blood pressure; If you think alternative, you try it ……According to a definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), a blood pressure of 160/95 or over is deemed abnormal, while 140/90 to 160/95 is to be regarded as borderline. In treating such case of hypertension we constantly monitor if there are fluctuations in blood pressure levels. If there are fluctuations, our treatment with homeopathic medicines is aimed at stabilizing the blood pressure levels and making the patient symptoms-free. Based on our collective experience over 12 yrs as practicing classical homeopaths, we have identified and developed medicines for cases of hypertension. These medicines do not have to be taken by the patients for the rest of their lives, the patients are observed carefully, and their blood pressure levels are checked till stability ensured. When there are no fluctuations for one year, the medicines are stopped, and the patients continue enjoying good health.
The Properties of the Ideal Antihypertensive Medicines
• Effective
• Effective over 24 hours with once-a-day dosing
• High response rate
• No side effects
• No metabolic side effects
• Affordable
Blood pressure is generally lowered with the use of allopathic drugs under the conventional or allopathic systems of medicine in two ways:
• By dilating the arteries by Beta blocker drugs, so that blood follows easily, thus lowering blood pressure; and
• By diuretics, i.e., drugs which help produce more urine by whipping the kidneys.
Based on our expreriance, we feel that dilating the arteries by Beta blocker drugs may produce cardiac enlargement in many persons, since the heart is actually an integral part of the arterial & venous system; moreover, in many patients the kidney cannot tolerate the whipping action of the drugs which help produce urine, with the result that chronic renal filure is a natural conclusion. These adverse effects apart, the recognized bad effects of conventional drugs used for the control of hypertension are:
• The lowering of potassium, sodium and calcium levels
• Hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, and dislipidemia
• Impotency and sexul weakness
• Excessive urination
• Renal dysfunction which may cause chronic renal failure and/or renal stones
• Hormonal imbalances which sometimes cause gynacomastia and hirsutism
• Palpitation, headache, drowsiness, etc
• Hepatitis, hemolytic anaemia
• Depression, nightmares
• Nasal blockages, and
• Salt and water retension which produces edema or swelling
In our advice that sudden withdrawl of the conventional or allopathic blood pressure drugs should not be done. It can cause an unpredictable and sudden rise of blood pressure which may cause cerebro-vascular accidents (CVA) in many cases. The drugs should be withdrawn very slowly; we advice to reduce the drugs at the rate of ¼ the dose every month, that is, to stop the drugs in the course of 4 months. If your blood pressure remains static at 120/80, what will you think? You need medicines?
So, if you think alternative, you must come in homeopathy.
For more information …..
H/P: 01711349991
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